A Conversation With Each Player

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A Conversation With Each Player

We continually forget one underlying mantra ­ the need to connect with each player. One can make up for a lack of it to some degree with group tactics and team motivation. But if we can not listen to and talk with players as individuals, then we are guiding a herd rather than uplifting individuals.

Over the summer or shortly before the fall season, make a new and special effort to reconnect with each of your players. Take some time to prepare how you will approach each player. It may be done formally as in set meetings or informally as in casual chats. Remember that all players are unique and will receive feedback, reflect, plan, and share feelings in their own way. Attempt to remove whatever previous opinions or stereotypes you may have of each player. 

Try to reconnect from a fresh, positive, and honest baseline. Lastly, emphasize that your relationship with the player is a two-way street with each side influencing the other. Your players will respect and feed off your rejuvenated attitude. Following are some examples of topics and questions you may want to consider when you approach the players


bulletHow did you feel about your performance last season? 
bulletWhat are your best and worst memories?
bulletHow and why did your self-confidence dip or elevate from last season to this season?
bulletWhat are the best ways to inspire you? 
bulletWhat turns you off?

Vision Training

bulletWhat do you remember as some of your best moments on the field last season?
bulletWhat were some of your favorite elements we did in training last season? 
bulletSuggestions as we plan ahead?
bulletWhen you prepare for a game, what runs through your head?


bulletWhat are your strongest skills and abilities as a player? 
bulletAnd weakest?
bulletWhat goals do you have for this season?
bulletWhat position and role would allow you to shine the most?


bulletHow do you concentrate and focus? 
bulletCan you improve on this? 
bulletHow would you rate your own work ethic or self-motivation?
bulletHow do you work with others on the team?
bulletCommunication, role playing, leadership?


I will answer all your volleyball questions!!