Incredible Secrets
to Destroy Your Competition –
Your competition will wake up at 2:00am, unable
to sleep, so afraid to play you, and wishing you didn't exist!
Have you ever wondered
what it would be like to know that your competitors were dreading the moment
they had to walk on the court, look across the net, and see you standing there
ready to dominate & destroy them.
I continually hear the comment "I have no clue how you guys beat us!"
Other coaches, referees, and my competitors repeatedly approach me wondering
what happened to their team when everything seemed to be in their favor. I
usually smile and humbly say, "We played well today. It was a good
What You Don't Know "Will" Hurt You!
However, I think to myself, "If this person only knew the secrets that give
me and my teams the magical advantage, they would be asking a totally different
That question would be:
"How in the world do you get your athletes to stay focused, determined,
and relentless so consistently, while being so relaxed all at the same
Ya see, the funny thing about coaches and athletes who are trying to improve,
after they lose, is that they think they need to work harder and harder. After
my team or another team beats them, they'll get mad and say, "We need to
work harder, try harder, pass more balls. ya da ya da.. however,
are totally WRONG!
The myth of trying to correct mistakes with longer and longer hours of
repetitions is old and will hopefully soon die out. If you are one of those
ancient minded coaches or players who think that the only way to improve is to
be in the gym longer hours and get more repetitions.. You need to change your
think or younger, smarter, and more innovative coaches are going to be
outperforming you....
Also, the idea that the team with the most experience, the most talent, and the
most expensive warm-up apparel will win (or at least be the most intimidating)
still lingers.
This myth is even more wrong!
I played volleyball for a small school in Davenport, Iowa. When I was a
freshman, we went to our first major tournament. We were going to play the team
that had finished second in the nation the year before! Needless to say,
with four freshman and two sophomores starting, we were downright
scared and straight-up intimidated. In warm ups, as they crushed the
ball, we watched with dropped jaws, shaky knees, thinking, "we wish we were
as good as those guys!" or more honestly, "Oh, S*&$@!"
But, whether I was scared or happy, or whether or not it was my birthday
didn’t really matter … we still had to play the game. These were one of
those moments, where at that time in my life, I was wishing our bus would've
have gotten stuck in a snow storm and we somehow couldn't have made this match.
all that wishing and a donut, ain't gonna
make a difference to where I was standing...
Ya see..they did all
the natural things bigger, better, more experienced, and more sophisticated
teams do to smaller, less experienced, and less sophisticated teams. Scare the
crap out of them!
They're whole goal seemed to intimidate us! And, quite honestly, they did
a pretty good job of it. My team not so proudly wore
$5 t-shirts, stamped with a volleyball and the name of our school. None of our
shirts would even stay tucked into the $13 generic mesh shorts that we bought at
K-mart! While, they wore $100 warm-ups and top-of-the-line uniforms. They all
even wore the same shoes. We joked that they probably just spent the last half
hour in front of the mirror styling their hair together in the locker room!
When we shook hands, they barely acknowledged us, and then, as expected, they
started to beat us like we were a bunch of 12 year olds. We must have made at
least five errors in the first six plays.
Nervous, and Definitely Getting Whooped....
After a time out, we started to settle down. Soon, we began to come back. We
lost game 1, but we started to feel that maybe we had a better chance to beat
this team than we originally thought. Then, suddenly things turned around! The
unknown team from Davenport IA (my team!) stunned and
shocked the whole gym. Yes, we won the second game!
I didn’t know it then, but this was my initial encounter with the "Master
Keys to Volleyball Mental Toughness" and the myths that go with them...
Myths To Volleyball Success that Keep People Failing, Struggling, Wishing,
Hoping, and Ultimately Losing A Lot More Than You Need To...
Myth #1: You have to
put in your years. You need tons of experience, and have to be able to kiss
up to people in higher positions of authority or who are older than you. Then
you can claim your rights to success and respect.
This myth is as real as you or being able to levetate off
the ground!!! Tiger Woods and Logan Tom have shown us that you can be
any age and dominate and be worthy of respect. In Master Key #10, when I teach
you how to Leap Frog Your Competition, you will find that you never have
to be intimidated again and how to become successful regardless of your age or
experience. Everything you want is your own birthright to start claiming and
striving for now!
Myth #2: To be Mentally Tough, you need to Look Tough. Act
tough. Scare the Hell out of everyone you meet.
Totally false! In fact, it’s just the
opposite. When you are mentally tough, you can be more relaxed, confident, and
friendlier than ever before, because you aren’t threatened by anyone for any
Myth # 3: Mental Toughness is Genetic.
If you believe this I’m surprised you are reading this course. However, I know
that some believe that most characteristics of people are genetic, like athletic
abilities or attitudes. While I do agree that genetics plays a big role. I truly
feel and know that you can learn to be
mentally tougher than you are right now, and much tougher than your
Myth #4: My coach, teacher, psychologist, or
parent can teach me how to be mentally tough because he or she is.
This myth is about as false as a bird trying to teach you how to fly! Actually,
most people who are mentally tough cannot teach how to do it! Many people do not
even recognize some of their personality characteristics unless you point them
out. So, although you can learn a whole lot from watching these people and
asking them questions, I would be wary about learning mental toughness from
another person unless they could tell you specific how-to’s.
you find yourself thinking, "Great point, but show me how to do it!"
Keep Reading...
What I mean is, many times coaches, parents, or other players will say,
"You need to FOCUS!" "You need to be tougher" "You need
to concentrate better!" They are head on with their assessment of what you
need, but guess what.
All of those comments give you no clearer direction on "how to focus, be
tougher, or concentrate". In this course, my goal is to show you how your
brain works so that you can become a master at focusing, concentrating, and
being a lot tougher than anyone you ever meet!
A Locked Vault Filled With Gold,
That Most Volleyball Players Have
No Hope Of Getting At! You Can Now Have
The Key To The Vault...
Myth #5: Learning is
Learning is only as difficult as you make it out to be. My personal belief is
"everything" is common sense.... Once you learn it. The process of
learning is easy when you understand it.
One important thing to note, is that if you understand that frustration and
confusion are two key steps in learning, you will be much more relaxed when
those feelings occur. Think about it...
How many times have
you seen volleyball players trying to get better at passing or a new shot, and
they just get more and more frustrated every time they make a mistake. However,
if they only knew that frustration is okay as long as it doesn't overtake your
ability. When people get frustrated they tense up, when they should just relax
and continue to let things flow.
the point when most people quit, you now have the advantage!
If, when you realize
that you are getting frustrated or confused, you learn to say to yourself, "This
is good, because it means I’m about to learn something," you will
learn much faster and take more risks.
Myth #6: Change takes a long time!
There is a belief in society that change is difficult, painful, and takes a long
time. This traps people into staying depressed, addicted, guilty, in bad
relationships, and convinces them to maintain their lives the way they are when
they really aren’t happy. In sports, it keeps people making the same painful
mistakes over and over again!
For example, just recently I received a letter from a World Class Track Athlete.
This is what he wrote:
Your book was absolutely incredible. It helped me to learn so much about
myself and what makes me tick. I was able to get my mind focused and
confident. Your keys approach was excellently set out and i felt that this
really helped me to learn what it was I needed to do. Too many books tell you
what you should be doing but don't tell you how to go about doing it. Your
book was like a step by step manual which was good because in new fields of
interest you need to be guided through the stages so you can get the maximum
benefit from it.
Reading each page again I am learning so much more, and
feel that i can get it right far more consistently if my mental toughness
continues to improve, and hopefully my running improves at the same rate.
I decided to read your book when i felt that i was going a bit 'soft'
mentally throughout my races. I was training really well but it just wasn't
coming together during races. I had just finished a very stressful period at
university and found that I was a bit drained. But looking at things from a
different perspective helped me to realise that these were things that
really shouldn't bother me as much as they did.
I went from running a reasonable time in a 3000m race in my
hometown of Adelaide, to a brilliant time in Melbourne less than 2 weeks later.
I dropped 18 seconds on my time
that I ran in Adelaide , and furthermore I dropped 12
seconds off of my
Personal Best. I was absolutely thrilled." - Adam Didyk, South Australia
Another Olympic Swimmer just wrote
me this note:
"Ed- Just wanted to say thanks! I have been using your tapes and reading
your manual. I feel more relaxed and generally better in the water than I have
felt before. Last weekend we swam Arizona State in a dual meet, We hadn't beaten
them in 5 years and we finally did. I swam an incredible unshaved time. I broke
a pool record in the 50yard free and in doing so finshed more than a second
ahead of anyone else. I felt that my new found assurance of my ablity helped.
Kind Regards!"- Roland Schoeman, 13 time All-American, ranked #1 in the
world in the 50 meter freestyle, short course and long course, 50 meter
butterfly, represented South Africa at the 2000 Olympics
Are Professional and Olympic Level Athletes calling on me everyday for answers
to their biggest problems???
Because something I hear from athletes all the time is "I can't
change" "It's too hard" "I'm too old" "I've been
doing it this way for years" "I've hit the wall and can't get any
better, and something I show these top level athletes is....
Matter How Good You Are Right Now,
There Is Still Another Level That Is Possible For You!
Ya see, change does
not have to take a long time. In fact, the process of change actually occurs
quickly. It’s a matter of getting to the point of being ready to change that
can take long, because people who think they know it all can be really stubborn!
I'm sure you know people like this!
They walk around
complaining about what they "can't" do, and how the world has
mistreated them.. all of that complaining, tears, and a pat on the back only
leads me to one line of advice,
Acting Like A Victim!
From every corner of the country, I
hear from coaches, "My players seem to freeze up in pressure
situations!" "We practiced this, and we passed a ton!
Why can’t we just do it in a game?"
The frustration is obvious. However, I feel worse for the players, because what
usually happens is the players get labeled as being weak, not able to focus, not
self confident…
But how I look at it is this ,
You Just
Haven’t Been Taught How to be Mentally Tough, More Self Confident, and How to
Focus like a Volleyball Superstar!
The most important thing that you must be able to gain from this Unique Course
and my other materials is that all of those characteristics are skills
and can be learned by anyone! Where some people resort to old methods of doing
chants, team hugs, slumber parties, everyone tying their shoe laces with the
same little red string. While all of that is cool, and I think it is important,
especially to keep the sport fun-It DOES NOT guarantee
or even predict in the least manner whether or not you are going to play
well or not!
In fact, if you aren’t careful you may think just because you all are getting
along and like each other, it means that all those good feelings are going to
last when everyone starts to play terrible. Unfortunately, that is when most
people finally call me and say, "Ed, I don't know what is
As a quick note, getting abnormally excited and pumped up before a big match
is one of the positively, absolutely worst ways to prepare for a match. Think
about it for a moment! Getting excited for a big game is easy. What you need to
do there is get your emotional state, or how you feel, balanced and equal to the
emotional state you were in the last time you had an awesome game! Your job is
to notice how you are preparing, visualizing, talking to yourself, walking,
breathing, so you can gear yourself in the direction you need to go to win and
destroy your competitor! I’ll talk more about this later, but if you take this
one piece of advice and use it, you will instantly perform better more often!
One of the most amazing side benefits of volleyball mental toughness
training is that it is very common for my students and clients to begin maximizing
their Potential almost immediately after implementing a few of the
See, learning how to run your own brain is good. VERY GOOD! Let the other less
advanced players fight and starve over who gets to start, and worrying about
playing well, and playing time. I’d rather see you being a lot more relaxed,
confident, persistent, and certain of your abilities and having your opponents
notice this too!
Sound impossible? Believe me. It's very real. See, the level of your game or how
you play has very little to do with your competition…but
everything to do with how you mentally prepare for that competition! The
better you can tap into the psychological and emotional core of your being…
the more you can play any competitor and come out as the winner!
Getting Yourself To Perform At Higher Levels In Today’s Environment,
Requires A New Set Of Mental Training
Skills You'll Never Get From Any "Traditional" Source Of Motivation in
Volleyball Or Sports Today!
must understand...
It's exactly 180 degrees the
opposite of what you are taught by people who don't have a clue about how
competition and psychology really work! The truth is you
can press your own powerful emotional buttons for outstanding performance and I
am going to show you how!!!
For example, some coaches and players get really mad when you don’t play well
against poor competition. But get really excited and happy when you play awesome
against great competition. Neither of these are wrong, but my suggestion would
be to not get extremely mad or happy either way, just notice
the difference of how you prepared both physically and
I learned this over 10 years ago while watching my little sister’s team. We
were out in California for a National Qualifier, and I remember them playing a
top level club team, Ichiban. Anyhow, my sisters team was physically comparable
and trained just as well, but got totally destroyed. 2 Games and the Match was
Her coach was so frustrated with the girls, and what I remember him saying was
that their performance had everything to do with how they
"warmed up for the game". He, like me, believed that you need
to teach the team how to warm up, why it’s important, and then let them run
most of their own warm-ups if not all of it.
Ed, What’s your point?!
Most people would have said that the physical preparation was the problem,
however, there are 3 important things that coaches miss. First, it was the
mental preparation that preceded the physical preparation. The girls
didn’t focus on what was most important at the time. This could’ve have been
for a number of reasons: fear of failure,
underestimating their opponent, fatigue, etc… but the point still
remains, you need to be able to mentally get yourself prepared, and you are
responsible for this – NOONE ELSE!
See, the bottom line is:
Even the world's greatest volleyball player or
team, with
the world's greatest technique and strategies...will
choke, freeze, and walk off the court with their heads down in failure and
embarrassment, if they don’t learn how to master their mind and emotions!
tell me Ed....What's the secret that
EVERY successful volleyball player shares?
They Use And Master most of the 10 Master Keys To
Mental Toughness… Success Can Be Yours Every Time You Step on The Court!
Guaranteed or I'll Eat A Volleyball!!!
But here is the really funny thing
about the best volleyball players and athletes in the world...They still benefit
from every single Master Key that they implement and use!
That's why top level athletes are coming to me for advice:
"Ed's suggestions and
information is the best kept secret in Volleyball Today!"
Jenna Wrobel, U.S. Women's National Team, United States
Professional Volleyball Team, All American- Michigan State University
"Do you know how
people say sports is 90% mental, 10% physical? Ed knows how to teach the 90%
that everyone talks about, but few understand!"
Elaina Oden, 1992, 1996, U.S Volleyball Olympian, 4
time All American
"Ed, Your Mental
Toughness Programs are so easy to use, and have helped me out tremendously.
Every volleyball player should get their hands on it!"
Cristy Chapman, United States Professional Volleyball Player,
1999 Female Athlete of the Year, University of Illinois
Understand, the real trick to surviving and prospering in this new world of
volleyball, is to not only take the advice from the so called
"experts" and coaches, because that is what your competition is doing.
You need to find new and innovative ways to take your game to the next level
that your competition "isn’t" doing!
For example, right now, many coaches and players are complaining about the new
scoring, the libero position, and the ‘let’ serve (now in club and
international, when the ball hits the net and rolls over, it is playable). While
they are complaining, other coaches are brain storming, getting excited, and
practicing ways to use the rules to their advantage. When these two different
coaches meet in competition, who do think is going to win?
You are right! The innovator and doer!
If you took all the time, effort and energy that you now put into worrying,
stressing, getting upset over playing time, what your teammates are doing, or
what your coaches think, and used it to instead train your brain to be more
resourceful and powerful that would a good thing!
I mean, if you only spent an extra 10 minutes as you drifted to sleep at night
to visualize yourself going through the new skill you are learning or defeating
your competition. That alone would improve your game! (Warning!
There are a lot of myths and wrong ways of teaching visualization that
keep people from using this powerful skill)
Any idiot would take a few minutes a day to visualize, if they realized it would
propel their game to higher levels, wouldn’t they?
Now I know that sounds kind of pie in the sky-ish. That it sounds too
unrealistic. That being steady, dependable, confident, predictable, and winning
a lot more when you step on the court, is just not possible...
You might be thinking that while that sounds wonderful, your daily activities
are doomed to be devoted to more repetitions, struggling, and forcing yourself
to "try" to get better, and hoping your coach or the college scouts
see your hidden potential…or whatever. You might be thinking this because:
This is
how you've been taught to "mentally prepare" for competition!
Yes, I see it every day. By being on the court at least 3-5 times a week for the
past 10 years , playing in college, competing everyday for my starting position
for 4 straight years, winning 3 conference championships, being MIVA/NAIA Player
of the Year, Tournament Most Valuable Player, named Marycrest University Male
Athlete of the Year as a sophomore, having coached collegiate ball, and now
coaching 2 of the best club teams in the country; I know what it is like to see
players struggle. Hoping that someone will come along and teach them a
‘secret’ strategy to being better. Well, I’ll
tell ya… No one came along and taught me how to be Mentally Tougher.
I had to struggle just like most people, and it wasn’t until college where I
turned my fears around into momentum. Then it wasn’t until after college,
spending a lot of money and time to learn how to teach it to others!
Ya see, I am a lot more like you
than you think. I am the 12th of 13 children,
and have 25 nieces and nephews. My family all lives within in 15 minutes of each
other, and I get to travel more than most people, because of work. If you met me
in a gym you wouldn't notice much difference about me than other coaches when it
comes to what we wear, drive, and all that other simple stuff.
However, you would notice a few major differences about how I treat my players
and especially how they respond to me. How I work with my co-coaches, and
especially how I treat my competitors.
Unfortunately, these are one of
those things that people buy into when they are young, and rarely ever change
because they don’t know they can.
However, you can be mentally tough and I’m going to show you how. When I was
in High School, I was one of those kids who was athletic, came from a good
family, and outwardly confident, but inwardly questioning everything I
did.However, when I received a scholarship to College on Volleyball some things
happened that shifted my thinking and made my life a
whole lot better.
All Laughed At Me When We Went 0-11, But Sneered In Envy As I Walked Away With
The Trophy!
Ever since then I’ve been
searching to find the Ultimate Keys to Mental Toughness.
Here is the outline of the "10 Master Keys to Ultimate Mental Toughness and
Destroying Your Competition!"
1. Physiology –
Your physiology is the fastest way to manage your emotional state! It’s how
you move, breathe. Do you hang your shoulders or keep them back? Is your head up
or is it down? If you looked at someone who is really confident and put your
body in the same posture, you would find that you would feel more confident.
2. Language/Self Talk- Talk more
positive to yourself. Instead of saying, "I am lazy, fat, or slow".
Say I am working on getting faster, healthier, and having more energy!"
3. Visualization-The best way to prepare
your mind for an event. See yourself and the future the way you want it to be.
More confident, athletic, successful in all areas of your life. I'll teach you
actually how to do this.. No theories, or fluff I promise!
4. Questions: All
thinking is, is the process of asking and answering of questions in your mind.
The quality of the question you ask yourself will determine the quality of the
answer that you get back. For example, if you keep asking "What am I doing
wrong?" Your brain will tell you what you are doing wrong. However, if you
ask yourself, "What can I do right now, to improve my situation, health,
level of motivation, etc.?" Your brain will give you those answers.
5. Positive Self Image, and Self –Expectancy-
How an athlete see’s him/herself and what she expects of him/herself,
is the basis on what her behavior will be. It’s that internal thermometer that
people live by. If they feel they are playing "above their head" he or
she will automatically come down into her normal performance, because of her
beliefs. However, if he/she changes what he/she believes about his/her
capabilities then what used to be "playing above his/her head" now
becomes the norm.
Down, Mouth Open, Confused,
Wondering What Hit Them!
what will occur after you apply all 10 Master Keys!
Congratulations! You
have arrived to the area where I will reveal more of my secrets, and I held out
so long to see if you were really committed or just another person who wanted a
free lunch. Now that you have waited enjoy...
6. Emotional Power- This key is about
creating only emotions that will support an athlete and move her in a direction
that is powerful. When I ask most people what emotions they feel on a weekly
basis, they will tell me 3 negative emotions (i.e
worried, anxiety, stressed, depressed) to 1 Positive emotion
(Happy, Excited, Motivated). That’s normal, but that doesn’t mean
it’s what is possible. In my program I teach a series of exercises that
release the negative emotions and allow you to feel more positive emotions.
P.S. All athletic performance is based on the emotional state someone is in!
P.P.S. If you've ever heard of Pavlov's dog,
I make it applicable to volleyball. You'll love this part.
7. Creating A Positive Past- Volleyball
Players and Coaches who focus on what they’ve done well, while working on
improving are much more successful than athletes who focus only on what
they’ve done wrong.
8. Create a Clear and Exciting Future-
Knowing how to set goals and where you are going is a must. It is what keeps
individuals and teams focused, motivated, and excited about what they want to
do. If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up where someone else
wants you to be.
9. Programming Yourself for Success-
This is just taking all the steps and showing you how this impacts your mind and
body. If you know that what you think about right before you go to bed runs
through your mind 14 times while you sleep, you would know to rehearse mentally
your performance because your mind will go through it over and over again. This
is one of the best keys to accelerated learning. I'll teach you how to use your
unconscious mind to get results you never thought were possible!!!
10. Winning Through Intimidation & The Leap
Frogging your Competition- This is a
must read for everyone. No matter how old or how young. This idea is about how
your competitors will try and use intimidation against you to get the advantage,
and if you don’t know that it is going on, it will work. Start noticing how
people try and put you down, or make comments that lift them above you. At those
times you need to be able to laugh it off and manage your own emotional state.
The Leap Frog Theory is about not
thinking you need to be passive or think you are less than anyone, just because
they’ve been in the sport, won more championships, or are older than you. In
fact, the truth is, the true athlete knows that everyday is new and the real
battle is on the court when you are fighting toe to toe. In other words, you can
beat anyone, but you must be in the mindset of a champion first, or else you are
just "trying" hard, but not doing what it takes to win!
If you gave me two volleyball teams with all the same
talent, technical training, and same level of coaches, I absolutely GUARANTEE
the team that I taught these strategies to would win!!!
Can you say the same thing? If not,
why? There is an unlimited amount of information at your finger tip...
However, the biggest problem with coaches and players is they just aren't
willing to put the time in or investment of money in the beginning... so that
they can have a lot more of both later!!!
Now I'm sure that if you've read this far, you must be interested in what I'm
going to say next. I'm sure you're ready to hear me tell you that there are
solutions to these unfortunate problems volleyball players and athletes face
And guess what? You'd be right! Because
there are very real answers to these most complex of problems.
But, you CANNOT get these answers from your
You CANNOT get these answers from your
coaches, parents, or teachers, unless they've had extensive training.
You CANNOT get these answers from
reading a Volleyball Magazine or talking to other players.
You CANNOT get these answers from
attending an assembly full of people listening to a "motivational
No, you CANNOT get these answers from any
traditional source of volleyball information video's, pamphlets, or books,
because the real answers that I've taught to thousands of volleyball players,
coaches, and athletes:
Are Totally Non-Traditional, Mostly Unheard
Of, Cost Little...Yet Actually Work!
Yes, my students and members have learned a system of mental toughness training
that teaches things like:
*The TRUTH about Visualization! There are ways to take
mastery over your mind, and visualization is one of the tools that will
help you, if it is done correctly! There aren’t but a handful of people in the
volleyball community who know the TRUTH about using visualization as a key tool,
and you’ll be thrilled to become clued in for yourself!
* The six ways to change any negative self-talk
that you have in your head.
* LEARN THE 7 BIGGEST MYTHS 95% of all athletes and coaches believe that hold
them back and allow people to manipulate you and hold you back and HOW
* How to get your team to not believe the intimidation games other teams will
try and play on you. You can use this to get the mental edge over any team you
face for the rest of your life! (Hint- this
ONE idea alone is worth more than any asset you own or will ever own! THIS is
the best kept secret in sports that only a tiny percentage of athletes ever
figure out!)
* Dozens of unheard of methods to condition your neurology
and mind to go instantly into allowing yourself to relax, enjoy, and play
at higher levels than ever before! Tool your block at will!
* The little known technique that will help you redirect your focus. Take you
from any negative emotional state to a powerful one in
less than an instant! And it is so simple, so easy, that it is almost
embarrassing to tell you!
* The true secrets of MENTAL TOUGHNESS, that will have your coach
wishing there were more people like you on the team!
FAIL TO PRODUCE WANTED RESULTS, and what to do about it
so you get powerful results, instead of embarrassment!
mastering your focus, having the edge over any competitor,
and finding yourself winning a whole lot more!
* How to change any limiting belief in order to set your
mind up for total self-confidence!
You will now have the ability to choose how you want to think and feel in any
moment which will take you game to the next level!
* Why weight
lifting, sprints, jump training, and practice (otherwise known as torture) that
promotes your athletic ability can be a lot more enjoyable
and end your unpredictability of play and stress! Finally, end the game
day worries of whether you are going to play well, by having a level confidence
and certainty that few people ever possess!
* The startling difference between people who perform at a high level
consistently and those who are so talented, but mentally
guarantee your opponent is using to manipulate you, and how to recognize and
counteract it!
* Why non-calculated, non-planned team building,
motivation, and mental training is a complete waste when not done
correctly. (Will people ever learn that the words "FOCUS" CONCENTRATE,
MOTIVATE, BE TOUGH sound really good, but until you are taught how to do those
things it just doesn't get the job done!)
* In the Ultimate Volleyball Mental Toughness Manual
you get all of the above AND MUCH, MUCH, MORE!
Click here to order now!
1 audio tape, 2 Special Reports, 1 Free Consultation,
Unlimited Email Coaching, a truckload of Mental Toughness
Secrets and Assistance....ALL PRACTICALLY FREE....
and all you have to do to get
all of it is say "maybe."
Have I finally lost my mind?
Dear Friend,
I am going to bury you in bribes
and soon I am going give you the best offer you ever had just to get you to test
this system out. But first...
Here Are The "Hard Truths"
You Need To Acknowledge,
Then Move Beyond in Order to Qualify
To Get Such An Offer...
1. Your Team Name or "Image"
Won't Make You Mentally Tough.
2. Having The Best Coach Won’t Make You
Mentally Tough.
3. Having Supporting Fans and Friends Won’t
Make You Mentally Tough
4. Having The Most Volleyball Knowledge
Won’t Make You Mentally Tough.
5. Being The Best Technical Player Won’t
Make You Mentally Tough.
6. Being The Best Talented Player Won’t
Make You Mentally Tough.
7. Phony, Temporary "Motivation" Won’t
Make You Mentally Tough.
8. Not understanding Positive Thinking Won’t
Make You Mentally Tough.
9. Do What You've Always Done Or What
"Your Competition" Has Always Done And You'll Get What You've Always
The only thing that really matters for you is: RESULTS. Nothing else
Here is the one big thing you need to know that, chances are, no coach, best
friend or teammate has ever told you, and that you struggle with constantly:
How To Run Your Own Brain
And Take Charge of Your Emotions To
The Point You Have Absolute Total Control
Over How You Feel, Think, and Perform
On A Daily Basis….Most Importantly, To Know
That Every Time You Walk On The Court, You
Are Going To Live Up To Every Challenge With
Utter Confidence and Certainty!
The "trick" to Volleyball mental toughness, success, and even
happiness in your volleyball career is to end the stress of not knowing whether
or not you are going to play well in the next game or the next play. To
eliminate the drudgery and struggle of "trying" to motivate yourself,
and being at a place where you are "hoping" to play well. To alter
your way of thinking, and how you are perceived by your teammates and coach, so
you are never perceived as just "another volleyball head case".
Just another person who chokes when the score is 13-13 or 24-23.
Is this possible?
You bet!
I've proven it over and over again! I guarantee it! Here's how:
The reason my "Ultimate Volleyball Mental Toughness System" is
so totally, completely, dramatically different from anything and everything
you've ever seen is that I have come at it from an entirely different starting
point. Need more?
live and die by this bizarre concept of WINNING! We prosper or fail based on
whether we win or lose! NO RESULTS, NO STARTING POSITION, or PLAYOFFS!
With what I know, you can set up your own Mental Training Program that gets you
predictable, consistent, and unexplainable results, with zero
guessing on your part! Why?
99% of the work has been
done for you!
That's right, I have done all the
research, testing, and application of these techniques and strategies to
guarantee that they will work for you. If you stop now, and think about it, you
most likely have been the person who has had to learn how to motivate yourself,
give yourself pep talks, and learn the very frustrating and hard way to mental
toughness. Right? But here's what could be real for you....
Psychological Edge No Motivational Seminar,
No Positive Thinking, Nor Daily Affirmations
Can Provide!
Here's another secret: this program is developed to fit your individual needs. I
will show you so many exercises that it would take you a very long time to do
each one. However, it will be perfect for you, because you can see what works
for you and then do it. What is cool about that is, once you find the exercises
and ideas that work for you: YOU WILL MASTER THEM....
Think about it! Within a few days,
all this power can be in your hands:
10 Incredible Master Keys to Mental Toughness!
- I have only shared the first 4 Master keys ever before!
Over 50 different strategies-
to eliminate mental blocks! More Self Confidence
How to achieve Peak Performance
every single time you step into the war zone!
You will learn exactly what you need to do to play at a high
level everyday!
Focus Like The Pro's
-you'll get insider secrets of exactly what
I tell my professional clients
Emotional States
- experience joy, motivation, passion, and power
at any time
Mental State - you will
outplay and outperform your competition, because you have the
mental advantage!!!
Visualization -
you will learn the best way to visualize,
when to visualize, what not to do, and I teach you exactly how to make
sure you aren't doing it the wrong way!
Positive Self-Expectation -
you will learn how to see yourself succeeding everyday,
and improve by 10% guaranteed!
Self-Confidence - have the
attitude to know that you can succeed in
anything you put your mind to.
Destroy Barriers -
know how to blow away the limiting attitude
that has been dragging you down!
Bonus #1: Free Consultation-
that's right, after you go through the manual and do some of the exercises, you
get to email me, and I will personally give you my recommendations on how to solve
any challenge that may be facing you! Why, because I am so certain
that I can solve your mental or emotional block, and here' the fun part! It
won't take me long to figure out how to solve it! This is a minimum value of
$200 alone!
Bonus #2:
$100 gift certificate for any Tele-seminars in 2001. Value of over $1000! These
Tele-Seminars will be with the greatest minds in Peak Performance. You can get
massive knowledge at half my expense!
here, because I am going to do something that most consultants will never do.
Because I am so certain you will love every bit of this Volleyball Mental
Toughness Manual!
The thing that is so great
about this course, besides it can solve almost any mental block that exists in
sports and take a person to a level they haven’t been at before. Is that, if
you want to order,
I insist that you do so entirely at my risk.
That is why this manual comes with a… No Risk, 100%
Unconditional Double Your Money-Back Guarantee.
There is absolutely NO RISK
on your part with this Lifetime 100% Double
Money-Back Guarantee.
I figure I have at least a $5,000
of my time in this (I'm a fast writer). My price isn't cheap but it's extremely
fair. It's $69.00. Just one or two extra wins a year and you pay for it. If
that isn't fair, I don't know what is.
OK. Pay attention to this part: Get my product. Read it and TRY
IT OUT. If you aren't thrilled with the results anytime in your WHOLE
LIFE, I'm going to give you DOUBLE
your money back.
All I ask is that you try out my simple, easy strategies and give it a shot.
Just give it a fair effort. If you aren't very satisfied with your results, I
don't want your money.
Furthermore, I'm going to give you double your money back, which is $97 for the
manual and $196 for the Big System. Just show me you tried my formula as
presented, and I'll give you double-your-money back.
I'm the first person I know to dare to do this with a volleyball product.
The only reason I can do it is because I'm supremely confident you're going to
fall in love with my down-to-earth, real life, no b.s., practical "how
to.." information.
If you don't like this
program, you don't even have to send it back. Just call me up, answer a few
questions about the product, and you can Keep The Program, AND GET...
Do you
see why some people are going to
be jealous of you, when you learn how to kick
their butt, and be the top dog in every gym you walk
I would've too when I was younger, but lets face it, when you are confident, you
stop caring what the others think about you and you just get the job done and
take in all the rewards.
By now you may be
thinking, Ed, how do I know this stuff works? First, check out what people are
saying about me!
Because I
played in the pro’s, I was always for ways to get the slight advantage over my
competition, so I’ve read and listened to a ton of Mental Training Coaches. I
have to say that Ed is going to be one of the best ever!"
Erik Pappas, Former St. Louis Cardinal, and Chicago Cub Professional Baseball
done and easy to understand! Ed's program is a powerful vehicle for athletes of
all ages to maximize their athletic performance!"
Dave Cross, Co-Author of Nationally Acclaimed Book,
"Volleyball Cybernetics"
thought that both the book and the tape were great! We all listened to the tape
to try and inspire us before going on to sectionals. It helped. Our coach also
enjoyed the tape and reading some of the book. I think that every team or player
should have the chance to hear your tape and read the book. Thanks Ed!"
Caitlin Ward, Roncalli High School
spend so much time teaching the technical aspects of the game and are missing
the key ingredient in success. Mental focus is the key and Ed O'Keefe's methods
of teaching mental focus are the most organized, and effective I have ever heard
Coach Charlie Sullivan, Springfield College
"Ed O'Keefe
is the best kept secret in the sport of volleyball. If you want the mental
advantage, at any level, Ed’s program is a must have!"
Jenna Wrobel U.S. National Team 1999-2000, United States
Professional Volleyball Player, Former Player at Michigan State University
One of my current clients
told me before he got this program, "Ed, You are
sure promising a lot." That's
right, and I want you to be totally comfortable with your choice to buy today.
Something I want you to understand is that I am just like you in so many ways.
What I mean is that over 3 years ago, I was finishing up playing in college, had
already started up my own volleyball club which had 5 teams, 7 coaches, and over
60 kids which were under my lead. All this while going to School, playing
sports, and trying to have a social life all at the same time.
The reason I tell you this
is that I got addicted to the idea of gaining Self Mastery over my mind and
body. I would literally go to the library every Monday, and get 7 audiotape
programs, video tapes, and any books that looked good on Self Help, Motivation,
and Peak Performance. My grades dropped because I became so enthralled with what
I was learning that I didn't feel like studying at all, I just wanted to find
more ways to make myself and my athletes better!
I share this with you,
because I understand what it is like to be thinking about whether a program is
worth getting or not. I couldn't tell you how many times I picked up a book or
audio-tape program, read the first chapter or listened to the first tape and
found just too much fluff and not enough practical information. I wanted
something more, and I found more than I could've expected.
I then became insanely
passionate about the idea of creating something new,
ground breaking, and different than what others were saying out there, and
I've done it in this program. And I don't expect you to just trust me about
I said before...
Guarantee #1: Double Your Money Back Life-time
#2: You will win 5 matches this year that you would not have
without this system!
Guarantee #3: If
you use just 1 idea from this Manual you will see your confidence or your teams,
start shooting through the ceiling!
OK. Pay attention to this part: Because I'm going to tell you again:
All you have to do is, get my
product. Read it and DO something with it. If you aren't excited about the
results anytime in your WHOLE LIFE, that means years from now. If you woke one
day and finally realized that none of this stuff didn't work, which would never
happen, you could send it back and I'll write you a personal check for 2 x's the
amount of the manual!!!
All I ask is that you try out my simple, easy strategies and give it a shot.
Just give it a fair effort. If you aren't very satisfied with your results, I
don't want your money.
Furthermore, I'm going to give you double your money back, which is $97 for the
manual and $196 for the Big System. Just show me you tried my formula as
presented, and I'll give you double-your-money back.
I'm the first person I know to dare to do this with a volleyball product.
The only reason I can do it is because I'm supremely confident you're going to
fall in love with my down-to-earth, real life, no b.s., practical "how
to.." information.
What I mean is, I want you
to order without feeling you might "get taken." After all, I am a very
respected consultant, coach, and speaker, and my reputation is on the line.
Therefore, I want you to order the manual and tapes today… listen to them, use
the ideas, get OUTSTANDING RESULTS… and if for any reason you aren’t
completely satisfied, simply call for an immediate refund of your double
purchase price, and you can keep all the Bonuses! You simply can’t lose!
you are crazy!"
you may be thinking for offering such a great deal. Because someone can totally
rip me off here. However, I trust people more than they trust themselves, and I
know some people will try and take advantage of this, but those aren't the
people I'm worried about. I'm worried about the people who won't give themselves
the chance to be greater than they thought they could be. Because I know
"The Ultimate Volleyball Mental Toughness Training Program"
will help them!
This is a total
"win-win" situation, and the reason is obvious. After you go through
my program, I want you to have so much success, that you start telling everyone
around you about. Just think about what it would be like that within the next
few weeks you started taking your game to the next level. Radiating
with Self-Confidence, Courage, Persistence, and a Tenacious attitude
that does scare the hell out of your opponents, whether that is your intention
or not!
Let me remind you, if you
do not order this program today. The minor frustrations, mental, and emotional
blocks are simply going to snowball and diminish you as a player or coach.
Listen to this story. I had a professional baseball player come to me a year
after he retired (in other words, he couldn't stay in the pro's and he was
getting too old!). Anyhow, he told me how he would have made it, but since he
had a "throwing phobia", which prevented him to make a good throw with
baserunners on base, he was benched and dropped back down to the minors.
It took me
less than 15 minutes to solve his problem, but it was too late!
That's right. After I
helped him out, it didn't matter. He had been out of the pro's for over a year
now, and it was too late for him to go back. It wasn't due to lack of effort
though. He tried to go around and find a Peak Performance coach or a
psychologist that could help him, but noone could help
him. They wanted to talk about "why" he was struggling, and
how they thought it had deeper issues behind it. Nothing
worked until he saw me.
I wonder sometimes if he
would have just came to a year earlier, what would have happened. My speculation
is that he would have gotten a bigger contract, and possibly be
earning millions of dollars a year right
now. Whether you are looking to play professional sports, youth volleyball, or
simply improve your game, here is the deal!
Usually, the Ultimate
Volleyball Mental Toughness Manual is only $67.00. However, If
you order immediately, you will get: