6-2 OffenseIn a 6-2 offense, all six players hit whenever they are on the front row and two players set whenever they are on the backrow. The setters (who are opposite one another in the rotation so that one of them is always on the back row) always play defense in right back. But as soon as the ball crosses into your court, the setter must sprint up to middle front to set. Consequently, the offensive positions for a 6-2 look like the diagram on the right. The rule for covering hitters in a 6-2 is the same as in a 4-2: everyone should get as close to the hitter as possible. But because your team might be running quick sets and plays -- which limits each front-row player's ability to cover -- left back and middle back must make a more concerted effort to cover every hitter. Even for upper level teams that have played a 6-2 for years, the basic transition problem remains the same as for inexperienced teams using a 4-2: hitters often do not get themselves into good hitting positions after blocking. So hitters: "Do your job!" |