season runs from mid-January to mid-November. All of our 'routines' are based on
this 'year' schedule.
Conditioning: For most of year, do cardiovascular work after practice (which
goes from 8-12pm M-F) 2 or 3 times a week. Start the year with 6 weeks or so of
distance running (2 miles) to build a good cardio base. Then start moving into
sprints. Start with 440s, then 220s, 100s, 50s, and even 20s. Stay with each
distance for a month or so. We do a 440 sprint for time at the start of the
year, then the rest of the year, the sprints are at 70/80/85% so we have to come
in at a certain time.
Weights: Lift 3 times a week after practice, on the days we don't run. Again
start the year building a base, high reps, lower weight...then work into lower
reps (down to 4x6 reps or 10,8,6,4,2reps) with increased weight. As for which
lifts: Flat bench, incline bench, shoulder press, lat pulldowns, upright rows,
seated rows, tricep/bicep work, shoulder work (light weight), leg extensions,
leg curls, calf raises. The big question that is always asked is SQUATS. That is
optional for us - a few guys do them. I don't because of bad knees, and they do
more harm than good. We get a lot of work for our legs in the course of a 4 hour
INTENSE practice.
Jump Training: Occasionally (maybe 4 or 5 times a year) we will do a month or so
of jump training after practice. This consists of jumping at the net, with
weight belts or ankle weights, and working on form with our arms/hands. Other
exercises include attaching surgical tubing between our ankles, and moving side
to side (increasing the distance between the feet - thus creating tension in the
bands) on the court. We test our verticals on a 'vertec' probably about every 2
Lastly: we are tested 3/4 times a year for body fat and VO2 MAX. Our body fat
must be uner 10% or we cannot practice (until you get it down). But the goal is
8%. Mine is 7.4% VO2 Max is a test of volume of oxygen that your lungs cycle for
a given time, and is a measure of how in shape you are. The test consists of
riding a stationary bike for 5 mins as fast and as hard as you can while a
doctor monitors heart rate, blood pressure, etc. For anyone who knows what the
numbers mean, we must be above 50 to practice.
That's about all I can think of. Feel free to email or post with further
Good Luck.
Dan Hanan USA#12